1. When shopping in Wal-Mart, you must master the ability to grab something off the shelf as you are walking by. Do not think for one second you will be able to stop and browse. Del Rioans will run you over and keep on going.
2. Mom is not here to buy the "things only Mom knows you need". I have been to the store probably every day this week getting things that just happened to appear at my parents house.
3. Driving in Del Rio is a lot like navigating the aisles of Wal-Mart in Del Rio. People are either going reallyreally slow and driving in the middle of both lanes, or they are trying to run you over.
4. Do not make eye contact with the lady at the Sushi Bar in H-E-B. She will force you to buy a $12 box of sushi.
5. Meeting new friends is fun, but eating out for lunch every day can get quite expensive.
These are just a few lessons in life that I have come across in my first week in my new home. I absolutely love it here. Especially the part where I get to see Taylor every day!
When I lived at home with my parents, I used to wish for the day that a grocery store or any store was closer than 20 miles and now that I have a Wal-Mart less than five minutes away...I spend way more money. It's just so CONVENIENT!
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