

A Quick November Update

Since my last post, we haven't really been up to much except house shopping. Still. I'll hopefully have an update on that subject in a couple of weeks so stay tuned. (Suspense!) To say that lessons have been learned throughout this whole process is an understatement. I can only hope that the next time around we do this, I'll be so far removed from our current situation that I won't remember the frustrations. Lord. Have. Mercy.

Other than house shopping, we have have been doing normal Taylor and Mary things. We lead super exciting lives that involve Redbox, Papa Murphy's, and Tivo. Rinse and Repeat.

For Thanksgiving, we rented a plane and flew to Lubbock to see Taylor's family. (Being married to a guy who is an excellent pilot is a pretty sweet deal.) I was super helpful the entire time and definitely did NOT fall asleep.

Our time in Lubbock was so wonderful. We were treated to several Whitney meals and my world was changed with the addition of cranberries to our Thanksgiving stuffing. This year was the first in a few years that no one was subjected to a whipped cream explosion, which admittedly is a favorite tradition of mine. A few days before we arrived, Lubbock got quite a bit of snow which delayed the last bit of harvesting at the cotton farm. It turned out to be great timing because we ended up taking our Verett family christmas picture in the cotton field!

A funny story about the actual taking of the picture for the card: I decided to run out really quick to grab a remote for my camera so that I wouldn't have to do the "press and run" and then subject everyone to 10 rapid fire pictures. Well. After braving black friday at Best Buy, we got all the way out to the farm to realize that the remote only worked about two feet from the camera. So we ditched that plan and thus ensued me pressing the shutter on the camera and having about 10 seconds to jump down off the truck it was sitting on and run a few feet into the field to stand with everyone else. We managed to get a few really great pictures though so it was worth it! (I returned the stupid remote by the way!)

For half a second, I thought about doing a Christmas card for us, but then I woke up to reality. I'm not even sure I could find my own address at this point in our moving journey.'ll have to wait until next year. Or another five years. I'll let you know.

Since we returned from Thanksgiving break, we have gotten back into our daily routines and figured out what a midwest winter feels like. Last year in New Jersey, we got quite a bit of snow, but it always melted the next day because the temperatures would jump back up above freezing. Here, we have only seen a tiny bit of ice, but several days of single digit temps with lots and lots of wind.

Since we aren't in a house yet and don't have any of our things, we aren't putting up a tree this year. On one hand it feels a little bah humbug, but on the other hand it doesn't because we're still at that age where Christmas is at our parent's house. So putting up a tree and decorations feels kind of silly if we're going to spend Christmas somewhere else. Ok, maybe that's just my way of justifying it to myself. Either way, it doesn't feel that weird to us.

I joked on Instagram that these were the extent of my Christmas decorations. Ha!

So now I think I'm all caught up with the happenings of the Veretts. Hopefully I'll be back soon with a house update!

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