

The Great Thanksgiving Week

I have returned from the land of beautiful sunsets and my favorite people once again. With stories of course!

I just have to preface this post with the fact that the picture below is currently the background on my phone.

Shortly into my journey to Lubbock on Wednesday afternoon, I found myself in a bit of a speed trap. It turns out, the State Troopers want you to drive 65 through Alvarado, Texas instead of 75. Also, as it turns out, there is not one 65 sign from Hillsboro to Alvarado soI assumed the logical speed was 70. I even tried to explain to the officer that I tend to live my life in a state of cluelessness about such silly details but he handed me a ticket. And then he searched my car because apparently he didn't believe me that I was driving to Lubbock for Thanksgiving and wanted to see my luggage. Rude.

Can you tell I'm actually pretty calm about this whole situation? I'm really trying to live by my iPhone background. Before, that last paragraph would have been in all caps and there would have been many exclamation points. I just included the Rude statement because it was true.

Also, I sadly felt better about the fact that I counted 14 other people getting tickets that day as well. How come I wasn't aware that the day before Thanksgiving was like Christmas to State Troopers?


I arrived in Lubbock otherwise unscathed and after a delicious Whitney dinner, crashed in my bed. All that not getting upset really took its toll on me.

Even though I have the ability to sleep until noon in my own house, I can't manage to stay asleep past 8 o'clock at other people's houses. So I woke up bright and early Thursday to help get the cooking started.

Not. I crumbled the bread for the stuffing. Unfortunately that's all I'm good for in the Thanksgiving dinner department. Maybe next year.

Taylor's mom, grandma and sister did a fantastic job though and our Thanksgiving meal was delicious as always.

After lunch, Taylor and I immediately slipped into a tryptophan coma on the couch for a couple of hours. We hung out around the house for a few hours waiting for the A&M and Texas game to start and then as if being in Lubbock with Taylor for a week wasn't fantastic enough in itself, the Aggies beat Texas in Austin.

I was so excited that I decided to wear an A&M shirt all around Lubbock the next day. I even got compliments on it!

On Friday, Taylor got a haircut and the barber asked if I was his sister. Awesome. Then we had ourselves a nice lunch date at the place we had our first date in Lubbock. Good ol' Buns over Texas! After our date, it was Harry Potter 7 time! When Taylor told me that his mom had gotten us all tickets, I decided that I wanted to read the first half of the book again since I had read it about a year and a half before. But I forgot all about my plan and was kind of lost during parts of the movie. It was still great though and I can't wait for the next part!

That night, we all hung out at Kristofer's house and got to see Taylor's friend, Brett, whom he has known since 7th grade and attended the Academy with. It was a great night that may or may not have involved me doing pushups between the couch and the island.

We got up early on Saturday so Taylor and Kristofer could put the Christmas lights on the house and since that did not require my expertise, I did a lot of napping. Then, I watched some Pawn Stars with Taylor's dad and slid off one of the barstools which made him decide he didn't like the barstools anymore so he ordered some different ones. So if you liked those silver barstools, I'm sorry. But if you hated them, you're welcome.

We watched some more football the rest of the evening and even though Oklahoma's win over OSU helped put the Aggies in a 3-way tie for the Big 12 South, we didn't win the title. After I cared about that for 2.5 seconds, we enjoyed a nice night out on the porch listening to music and solving life's problems.

Sidenote- Kristofer and I decided today that there would be a lot less hippies and dummies in the world if we were in charge.

After church on Sunday, Taylor and I FINALLY got a couple of new pictures together!

Ta-da! We're cute.

I was so tired from looking cute that I took a nap while Taylor installed his new floor mats in his truck.

Have I ever mentioned how much I love napping? Easily one of my favorite things to do.

Unfortunately Sunday usually means it's time to head home so I packed up all my stuff and drove home with nothing to report. For once!

The week flew by and even though I'm totally not ready to go back to work tomorrow, there are only three more weeks until Christmas Break!

1 comment:

Katie said...

I hated those silver barstools. Good move, Steve.


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