

Surprise, another weekend update

Right now I'm watching the American Music Awards.

Am I the only person who didn't know these existed? Or why they exist?

It seems like every other awards show that I've ever seen. So far I've only seen Rhianna, Enrique Iglesias and Miley Cyrus perform. I actually enjoyed Miley's song and I'm still wondering when Rhianna is going to sound like she does on her CD. Also, I had to look away from the TV when Pit bull was singing with Enrique. I felt so uncomfortable watching those hip thrusts!

Ok, if I don't stop now, I'll never be able to stop giving you a play by play.

My goal this week was to blog about mine and Taylor's 3rd year Meetaversary as well as something funny that happened that I can't remember now. Obviously I did really well meeting my goal.

And my new goal is to blog about something other than my weekends. I'll start next week.

Friday after school, I came home and made me a much needed margarita. Then Mom asked me if I wanted to go to the High School basketball game. Since I was feeling so much more relaxed after my drink, I decided it was a fantastic idea to go.

I was there about five minutes when the tequila hit. Luckily I didn't go LBMM or anything, but watching basketball was suddenly a lot funnier than I ever remember it being before.

While the basketball game was going on in Frost, there was also an Alumni Football game happening between Frost and Blooming Grove just a few miles down the road. Apparently it was the place to be. I decided against going because I prefer not to ever experience high school again. And I didn't want to watch a bunch of 30 year old men try to run up and down an entire football field.

On Saturday I got up bright and early to get my hair did. I decided to try out a new place this time and I loved it. My favorite thing in the world is to have my hair played with and obviously I got that treatment, but girlfriend also massaged my head. I almost fell asleep.

Then I realized I hadn't had a pedicure in a while so that was next on the list. I don't think I have to tell you how much I enjoyed that. After having my hair played with, getting my feet massaged is next on the list of my favorite things.

As if I hadn't spent enough money on myself, I also bought a purse. The good news is though that it was 60% off. And cute. Double win.

On Sunday, I slept in and stayed in my pajamas all day. Mom and I did some organizing in Dad's office while he is away hunting. And then I took a nap. I love relaxing Sundays. Even if I eat way too much junk food.

I'm sort of looking forward to Monday though because it's only a two day week! It will be like a Monday and a Friday put together. Then on Wednesday I'm heading west to Lubbock! I almost can't contain my excitement for the 6 hour drive. I can't wait to see some of my favorite people!

I already have Taylor's Christmas present. Is it ok to give presents a month early? I hope so because I'm really bad at waiting.

Oh, speaking of Taylor I have to apologize for what I said about him bugging me to unpack my suitcase. It turns out he was only bugging me because he had sneaked a present into my suitcase before I left and wanted me to find it before two weeks. It was the best Taylor card ever! What a sweet turkey.

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