Wow, so raise your hand if you think I'm a bad blogger.
Why yes, I would have to agree.
I promise I have good intentions and if you could see all of the drafts, you would know that as well. This new job thing though has really made it hard to stay awake, much less attempt to put coherent sentences together. And last weekend was the first time in a really long time that I had actually been at home.
I know, blah blah blah. I'm a weenie.
Ok so back to catching up!
My trip to Waco and College Station was so much fun. I met up with Katie in Waco on Saturday morning and did a little shopping at a cute store in downtown where I found a supercute jacket. After lunch, I headed down south to College Station to visit Amy. We didn't do a whole lot besides watching movies and eating nerd ropes. But my toenails are now a very delicious shade of purple.
In my last post, I listed all of the things I wanted to accomplish and places I wanted to visit. Unfortunately, H-E-B, Hobby Lobby, and Jamba Juice didn't make it into the weekend plans but I did get to Target and Old Navy. I loved it! My only purchases though were boring work clothes.
Also while I was in town, I got my car fixed. About a month ago, my driver side door decided to just not stay locked anymore. I could lock it initially, but then if I pulled on the door like I was trying to get into it, it just opened. So you know, TOTALLY SAFE. Then I tried to subscribe to satellite radio and it turns out, my radio was broken as well! Thanks a lot, Hitler.
So as I was preparing to drop loads of pretty pennies, I was informed that my warranty was not 36,000 miles/36 months as I had originally been told but instead 50,000 miles/48 months. SCORE ONE POINT FOR ME! Everything was fixed for free and I went on my happy way home. Then I decided I was too cheap to actually subscribe to satellite radio.
The next weekend, I met Katie again but this time Kirsten was with her and we went to the State Fair. I haven't been since I was 8 but I must say, it's not as fun when Dad isn't paying for everything. I managed to spend only a slight fortune and plus, I got to test drive some sweet cars!
After eating our weight in fried food, we had two tickets left over between the three of us so we found the only thing we could afford. I would have rather wasted the two tickets rather than eat the pickle we ended up with. It was warm, not crunchy and as Kirsten's face says . . . just not good. Blah!
This was our view as we were leaving the park. It was a pretty sunset and although we didn't ride any of the rides, we enjoyed looking at them!

These are just some more pictures from the state fair. I of course didn't take pictures until we were leaving and the sun was setting, but I think they turned out pretty well. Thanks iPhone!
(Forgive me for going out of order, this is how my brain works.) The night we got into town, we stayed at Kristi's house. She took us out for sushi. I am ALWAYS up for sushi. This was called the "sweetheart roll" I sent this picture to Taylor and told him I loved him. Aww. And then he said strawberries on sushi is gross and totally ruined the moment.
We had a great time hanging out in the Dallas area and it was really hard to go back home to work. Thanks Kristi for letting us hang out with you! And thanks Hans for the delicious breakfasts!
The next weekend, I got to completely relax at home by myself. Mom was in Tyler with Merpaw and Dad and Jesse were hunting in west Texas. Besides having two really needy dogs that wanted my attention at all times, it was a wonderful weekend. I read two books and caught up on plenty of sleep. So great!
Almost completely caught up! I've only got a couple more stories, I promise!
Last week, I was driving to school and out of nowhere, my airbag warning light starts dinging at me and then it went off for a couple of minutes and then it just stayed on. Once again, thanks a lot Hitler! I figured this would be covered under warranty and so I thought I would just get it fixed next time I was in College Station. Then I looked down and realized I only had about 500 miles left on my warranty. AWESOME. So I had to find the closet dealership (hour and a half away) and leave work early to get it taken care of. It turned out that my seatbelt had malfunctioned and broken somehow so they had to replace the whole thing. Luckily I got it fixed and since my car now has 49,850 miles on it . . . I say a daily prayer that it holds together.
This past weekend, the whole family was home so on Saturday, we talked Dad into seeing a movie in theaters for the first time in who knows how long.
I take that back. Last year, he and Jesse went to see The Proposal in theaters for some reason.
So that's been LBMM's adventures since the last post. A lot of things have been fun, some frustrating, and others just plain re-donk-u-lous.
October was fun, but I'm looking forward to November because I get to see Taylor again! And it's our 3-year Meetaversary. Woohoo!
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