You better believe it! I'm in a get things done kind of mood so not only am I starting to write a blog post in the early evening hours, I am also doing it the same day I returned home from a trip. Look out people.
Does anyone remember this?

That is my leg and the inexplicable sunburn pattern from our trip to Hawaii last year. I THOUGHT I made a mental note to correctly apply sunscreen the next time I needed it. Apparently my mental note got erased because I did it again this year. Except on the upper half of my body.
On Saturday we decided to float "The Bean Dip".

We spent all morning preparing for this adventure. Literally. We went to Wal-Mart and bought their entire stock of tubes (including one for our cooler), sunscreen, and because I am useless I had to buy ANOTHER swimsuit.
(Even though Taylor gives me plenty of notice that we will be doing an activity that requires a swim suit, I always forget to bring one.)
I remembered what my last experience in the sun was like so I wanted to make ABSOLUTELY sure that I applied enough sunscreen. And because I did not want a repeat of last year's misfortune, I made sure that my legs were coated in sunscreen. What area(s) did I miss?
*my arms
*my stomach
*my feet
*my chest
I really thought I remembered to cover everything!! At least I don't have any blisters on my face this year though. It's all about looking for the positives.
I don't have a picture of my new sunburn because it literally took all the strength I had this morning to put my t-shirt on. Just scroll up and look at the pattern on my leg and imagine it on my arms. I'm not even exaggerating right now.
Our other adventures of the weekend included the best steak I've ever eaten, TWO movies because let's be honest here...what else is there to do, and of course lots of quality time with great friends. Marie made some really good enchiladas and a cake that I can't remember the name to. But it was delish as well.
P.S. You should really check out Marie's art blog by clicking on her name above.
This weekend trip seemed really fast for some reason. I guess because I usually drive down on a Thursday and stay until Monday. That extra day for driving really helps! On my way home today I stopped at Ikea in Austin which made me drool and want for a lot of things I absolutely don't need. Luckily I left with only a desk lamp for Taylor though so no real damage to my wallet was done.
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