Of course I wouldn't be Mary if I didn't wait until the last minute to get something done so I made a mad dash to Target the day before I left. Unfortunately the Target I chose to go to was seriously lacking in the baby department. I couldn't find anything on the registry! I don't really know what a baby needs so I just started looking for things I thought were cute.
Helpful, I know.
In my excitement for the day, I left pretty Frost pretty early and ended up in College Station a couple of hours before the shower. I got to visit a couple of my favorite places though and headed over to visit with everyone before we left.
Unfortunately what happened next made the day not so fun. As we were all leaving for the shower, Merpaw, my grandma fell down the front steps.
Not to be melodramatic, but the next few minutes are not something I will ever forget. I don't like seeing people in pain, especially people I love so much. I could only think about how much I wanted to take away the hurt and undo what had happened. Thankfully the firemen and paramedics arrived in less than 10 minutes and were able to quickly get her to the hospital.
My cousin, Charley took my Aunt Carol (his mom) to the hospital to be with Merpaw while Sarah, Ana, and I decided to go ahead to the shower. Sarah was obviously the guest of honor, but I chose to go because I know myself pretty well and I knew that the worrying part of my brain would go into overdrive and I would work myself up into nervous breakdown.
I am obviously the person you should NOT call in an emergency situation.
Charley was awesome and kept us all updated while we were at the shower and let us know that thankfully nothing was broken!
Ok, I've relived that stressful couple of hours and now I want to focus on the fun part of the day!
Due to the above mentioned circumstances, I completely forgot I even owned a camera much less that I should use it at the shower. So Ana, if you're reading this...thanks for taking some pictures and I hope you're ok with me using them here!

These cupcakes are adorable, no? They match the invitations perfectly!

We played a game of baby bingo that we all won at once. Somebody didn't plan the making of that game very well! It took less than five minutes to play but it was still fun of course!

These are Sarah's wonderful hostesses, Katerina, Stacey, and Cady.

Ana, Sarah's Aunt, and me with the beautiful Momma.

Since Sarah's Mom and our grandma missed the shower, we thought it would be lots of fun to wrap everything back up and recreate the shower back home. It turned out to be really great because not only did they get to enjoy the opening of gifts, but we also included Vic and Charley which of course provided lots of comedic relief.

Here's Merpaw in good spirits during Baby Shower Round 2. So thankful that this picture was possible!
I am so excited for Vic and Sarah and cannot wait until Baby Seidel makes his or her arrival in May!
1 comment:
I love this!!!! I can't wait for Baby Seidel either!!!
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