

Brain Dump

I decided to title this post, "Brain Dump" because I couldn't stand having one more "Randoms" blog title. I hafta switch it up sometimes. Maybe I should change the title of my entire blog to "Random" because that's pretty much all I talk about. 

Last weekend, Taylor went on his cross country flight. Don't let that fool you, they didn't let him fly to New York or anything, just around Texas and to a couple of surrounding states. Anyways, one of his stops for gasolina was in College Station.

Vic was such a great host, he picked up Taylor and then picked up pre-ordered food from Wings 'N More and took Taylor back to Casa de Seidel so he could eat dinner. 

Do you see where this is going? First he got to visit the Seidels, THEN he got to eat some Wings 'N More, and THEN this happened...


I'll admit it. I was full of jealousy. 

I think Atticus loved his Uncle Taylor and I am counting down the days until we BOTH get to go back to College Station and visit the Seidel family. 

After his short visit to College Station, he was back in the skies on the way to Oklahoma City for a night. The next morning, our friends Paige and Jacob taxied Taylor around town and even took him out for breakfast at ihop. 

Guess who else he met?


Seriously? The only two couples with babies that we know and he got to see them BOTH in one weekend. And now we have to add Oklahoma to our list of places to visit because that baby is adorable and I have to meet him. 

After his stop in Oklahoma, the trip got pretty boring because he stopped seeing babies and I was ready for him to come back and hang out with me. 

P.S. aren't those two of the cutest pictures you've ever seen? They definitely make me melt!

While Taylor was off flying for a weekend, I practiced my sewing skills. 

This project turned out great!


This project is one that I would like to forget I even attempted.


A couple of weeks ago, I headed up to San Marcos to meet Mom for a day of shopping. We hit up Target, the outlet mall, and even the HobLob. 

Mom brought me a box o' goodies and included in that box were two magazines.


The date of our trip was July 28th. Most of the people in these magazines had already broken up or changed their hairstyle. While I was thankful for the gesture, I think Mom could have just thrown these away. 

Also during our trip, I found this necklace:


Look familiar? It reminded me a lot of the necklace I made a while back. And even though this one was on clearance for $8.00, I knew I could make one exactly like it. So I went to Hobby Lobby and bought all of the supplies. Then I tried to make it. Who knew cutting out teeny tiny flowers from chiffon fabric would be so difficult. My necklace is still in progress. I'll let you know if I ever finish it. 

I have approximately 49 projects half way finished. One of which was an outfit for Atticus that he has already outgrown. Awesome.

I think that's all of the random things floating around in my brain that I haven't blogged about yet. I'm going home to Frost this week. Somehow, I don't think Frost will be able to provide me with much material. Although I am looking forward to Mom making me food. 

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Those pictures are super adorable Mary!


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